
Pittsburgh train stations are full of interesting photographic opportunity....especially at midnight. If you are a photographer (or if you aren't) please go on a train trip with your camera. Though there are miserable aspects to three days of this kind of travel, the overall experience is kinda great.
Oh hello, poor neglected blog!


Summatime bloggin'

Sun rainbows make any beach trip a little nicer. :)


Studio Things

$1.70 for noodles. Stolen glass and stolen light = cheaply lovely food shoot!


Who has had an influence on your character? Can you think of someone who has affected your long-term behavior in some way? It could be a positive or negative influence.... but I hope you'll tell me. There's a project in the works....


This guy.

Traipsing about in the middle of nowhere, it's nice to stop and enjoy the sunshine. Especially when you find warm sunshine in the middle of January!


Back in the rusty old film days of '09

8 steps to feeling glad about your photos:

1. Take a couple rolls of black and white film
2. Develop negatives
3. Stop! Do not make prints.
4. Put negatives in drawer
5. Let them sit there for at least a year.
6. Forget about them.
7. Make prints, or scan negatives.
8. Thank God for making film.


Halloween photos to come....


God's a painter


Night and day, clouds are amazing swooshes and scribbles of intricacy.
I love them. 


Today's Textual Fancy

"The negative is the equivalent of the composer's score, and the print the performance." - Ansel Adams